
All players to play for team Bermuda. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
KS Leverock48
JJ Tucker46
MO Jones40
T Manders37
TS Fray35
DMW Rawlins34
DC Stovell34
AC Douglas29
RJ Trott29
DL Hemp28
SD Outerbridge23
LOB Cann23
DL Brangman20
IH Romaine20
O Bascome18
D Sabir17
Z Burgess15
OGL Bascome15
RDM Leverock14
C Trott14
S Smith14
S Bremar13
JA DeSilva13
C Outerbridge12
RJ Robinson11
GH O'Brien10
DAP Darrell10
KAD Hurdle10
DA Minors10
JE Pitcher9
J Edness9
OL Pitcher8
C Burgess7
J Gilbert6
S Mukuddem6
JT Darrell6
KL Tucker5
FS Crockwell5
M Simmons5
DAW Hollis5
JJ Celestine5
KE Bashir5
CR Foggo5
CJ Smith5
SKW Kelly4
K Tucker4
J West4
JDP Albertze4
DCC Borden4
GH Maybury4

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