
All players to play for team Greece. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
GC Galanis10
AS Mehmi10
Aslam Mohammad9
A Manousis6
T Zotos6
C Bogdanos5
A Gasteratos5
Sajid Khan Afridi4
S Vasilakis4
Ali Muaaz4
N Katechis4
Samader Shadab4
Sinan Khan4
S Siriotis3
Arsalan Ahmed3
P Magafas3
G Fatouros3
Syed Amanullah3
Asrar Ahmed3
S Bogdos3
Alexandros Karvelas3
S Gasteratos3
A Manatos2
I Bardis2
Muhammad Tahir2
Ali Abdulla Popalzae1
N Mourikis1

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