
All players to play for team Indonesia. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
Ahmad Ramdoni51
IK Gamantika48
DJ Hawoe47
Anjar Tadarus47
RM Koda44
F Banunaek44
IKEG Artawan44
GD Arta37
GA Priandana32
KD Kesuma29
KC Ramamoorthy28
PR Surve28
Gaurav Tiwari13
AA Rahayu11
Muhaddis Muhaddis8
IW Budiarta8
J Dzulfikar7
FFJ Heo5
DK Shetty5
IDGP Kisawa5
RT Rubbi5
Arya Pastika4
GY Prastama4
DGAPD Wiswi4
Ahmad Mushtaq4
D Desandri4
Muhammad Afis3
VC Bhammar3
F Shony3
Ridha Aulia2
A Alexander2
IK Darmawan2
S Sheelan1
AH Kapadia1

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