
All players to play for team Israel. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
E Solomon15
J Evans15
S Bangera14
Niv Nagavkar12
Yair Nagavkar12
E Kahamker9
T Kahamker8
G Schachat7
Elan Talker7
Emanuel Solomon7
R Schachat6
M Cohen5
Yogev Nagavkar5
PRPM Guruge5
LSP Siriwardene4
WSLK Narayana4
Virendra Kumar4
R Talkar3
Y Divekar3
E Bhonkar3
M Hoffman2
Y Razpurker2
E Samson2
Aviel Warsulkar2
D Massil2
A Amado2
SRM Arachichige2
S Waskar1
L Kamarlekar1
N Dokarker1

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