
All players to play for team Luxembourg. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
V Vijh31
TC Barker30
J Mees30
J Barker29
WJ Cope27
SKS Gill25
A Nanda23
P Malav21
M Dixit20
Anoop Orsu17
A Dhingra14
A Halbhavi12
S Kushretha11
G Venkateswaran10
Atif Kamal9
M Cope8
E Jabarkhel8
T Whiteman7
Milad Momend6
A Manepalli4
T Martin4
S Vats4
A Bhadauria2
R Heyns2
S Browne2
Aanand Pandey2
R Vishwanath2
A Trivedi1
J Pant1
H Virdee1

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