
All players to play for team Mozambique. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
FA Cossa21
F Damiao Couana21
JJ Huo20
AA Navicha16
J Bulele16
L Emilio15
VE Tembo12
DV Macome11
CB Roposo11
LA Simango11
SDJJ Dima10
ZE Matsinhe9
FE Carava7
LI Salomone7
JM Joao7
FFZ Nhaduate5
BA Simango5
SF Nhavotso4
MF Manjate4
A Koul3
Imran Ismail3
Kaleem Shah3
LF Mavume3
GF Gomes3
AT Chuvale1
EI Azine1
AD Conwana1
GO Sopinho1

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