
All players to play for team Panama. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
Mahmud Jasat16
KB Ahir13
Abdullah Jasat12
Irfan Hafejee12
M Sohel Patel11
A Natubhai Ahir10
N Ahir9
Yusuf Ebrahim9
RDB Ahir8
D Ahir7
FL Patel6
Ibrahim Vhora5
Imran Bulbulia5
Mahmad Data5
LR Gaonkar4
Aslam Doria4
V Ahir4
Sohel Patel4
S Chohan4
Mitulkumar Patel3
Yusuf Bhoola3
Sarfaraj Mulla3
JKC Ahir3
SP Guzman3
VC Ahir3
Ahmadi Ravat2
AM Patel2
Abdulla Bhoola2
HJ Patel2
Rizwan Mangera1
IIR Bhana1

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