
All players to play for team Philippines. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
DC Smith34
HER Tyler27
GR Russ24
Huzaifa Mohammed23
M Podosky20
KDA Lukies17
J Hill16
AS Samra15
LJ Myott15
MP Biddappa14
G Chohan13
J Alegra13
JH Kiani12
Karweng NG12
Surinder Singh11
ASF Sirah11
Vimal Kumar10
R Goodwin9
Kulwinderjeet Singh8
R Mahajan8
JEA Doctora8
Muzammil Shahzad7
Rhys Burinaga7
J Tuffin7
N Tanner7
Kapil Kumar5
Tariq Ali5
MK Gohal5
Kuldeep Singh4
M Singh3
H Isorena3
A Donovan3
J Long2
Harjit Singh1
FN Walsh1
S Mohan1
RJ Akram1
R Thakur1
Anjum Awais1
NJA Smith1

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