
All players to play for team Vanuatu. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
N Nipiko66
J Rasu65
R Tari62
A Mansale61
PK Matautaava53
W Nalisa45
JW Chilia40
AL Stephen34
SH Obed33
J Vira31
J Dunn30
JP Kaltapau27
C Tommy26
JD Allan21
D Wotu20
CC Blake19
T Langa17
W Viraliliu16
W Wotu15
TL Cutler11
SA Deitz10
SW Kalworai10
Obed Yosef9
BA Viraliliu6
G Kaltongga4
ZK Shem4
K Tari3
N Unavalu3
L Natapei2
RSK Samson2
MJ Avok1
G Mangau1
D Smith1

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