
All players to play for team Zimbabwe. The list is sorted by number of matches played.

PlayerMatches Played
TR Gripper5
KT Kasuza5
BA Murphy5
WT Mubayiwa5
CK Tshuma4
R Kaia4
GJ Rennie4
MT Chinouya4
TV Mufambisi4
RS Higgins3
LN Roche3
TZ Chataira3
N Ncube2
T Mufudza2
WT Mashinge2
TE Tsiga2
W Mwayenga2
K Macheka2
HK Olonga2
T Makoni2
F Kasteni2
RW Sims1
JK Masara1
IA Nicolson1
NR Ferreira1
NP Mayavo1
CN Evans1
BS Mudzinganyama1
ADR Campbell1

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